Vestax Securities Corporation vs. McWood, No. 00-1936 (6th Cir., 2/14/02) Agreement to Arbitrate * Arbitration Agreement (SRO Requirement) * Scope of Agreement * Selling Away * SRO Rules * Statutory Definitions (Customer) * SRO Rules (NASD Rule 10301). Investors who purchased securities through a broker-dealers agents are customers, for purposes […]
Tag: Selling Away
Court Compels Arbitration by Firm in Selling Away Case
Court Compels Arbitration in Selling Away Case Customer is “customer” of broker, therefore he is a customer of the firm? Summit Brokerage Services, Inc. v. Cooksley, Case No.: CA 02-11137 AO (Fla. Cir. Ct., 15Dist., 11/1/02). Agreement to Arbitrate * SRO Rules (NASD Rule 10301) * Statutory Definitions (Customer) * […]
Selling Away Claims Denied in Arbitration
Firm Still Must Pay $32,000 In Forum and Related Fees ROBINSON v. FIRST ALLIED SECURITIES, INC., NASD ID #99-04441 (Pittsburgh, 9/25/01): This “selling away” case involved thirteen separately filed arbitrations that were consolidated for pre-hearing and hearing purposes. By the time of the hearing, the broker had declared bankruptcy, leaving […]