securities arbitration

What is Securities Arbitration?

Securities arbitration has become the most often-used method of resolving disputes in the securities industry. Since the late 1970’s,  FINRA and its predecessors have required brokerage firms and stock brokers into securities arbitration to resolve their disputes with each other, and with their customers. That requirement led to brokerage firms requiring, through their customer agreements, that their customers must use FINRA arbitration to resolve any dispute.

Mark J. Astarita, Esq., is a nationally recognized securities attorney who has represented parties in over 600 securities arbitrations. Be sure to read Overview of Securities Arbitration, his acclaimed analysis of the securities arbitration process, which has been downloaded tens of thousands of times.

Pre-dispute Arbitration ClausesSecurities arbitration

After much litigation and a decision by the United States Supreme Court, those arbitration agreements, known as “pre-dispute arbitration clauses” are valid and enforceable. Today,  mandatory arbitration clauses in other industries are being attacked by a variety of consumer groups, as being unfair to consumers, biased in favor of whatever industry is using the process, and a host of other allegations.

Securities Arbitration is Not Traditional Arbitration

Securities arbitrations are substantially different than other consumer arbitration procedures. While there are some issues with the process, the process bears no resemblance to the one being discussed by the anti-mandatory arbitration advocates.

Is Securities Arbitration Fair?

Every so often politicians, reporters, and investors start to complain that securities arbitration is not fair. Not so according to securities lawyer Mark Astarita who has represented investors, financial professionals, and brokerage firms in over 600 FINRA arbitrations. The process works well for most cases and is at least as fair as going to court. According to FINRA statistics, approximately 50% of all investor claims settle without a hearing, and investors receive compensation in half of the cases that go to a hearing. Assuming that the settlements were “wins” for the investors, that translates to a 75% “win” rate for investors.

Give up a Jury Trial?

The complaint that investors are giving up their right to a jury trial is true, but misleading. The simple fact is that jury trials are the exception in court cases, not the rule. According to the Annual Reports of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (as referenced by an article from the Bolch Judicial Institute
Duke Law School)
approximately 1 percent of all civil cases filed in federal court are resolved by trial, and only 0.7 percent are decided by juries. Less than 1% of court cases actually get to a jury.

While it certainly is a perceived benefit to have a trial by a jury, the simple fact is that you are not going to get there, and if you do, it will take years. With motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment, motions to file amended pleadings, and motions to reargue motions that were denied, the process in court gets bogged down. And even if the plaintiff makes it through all of those motions, the final step before getting to a jury is the settlement conference, where a judge attempts to get the parties to settle the dispute. And a judge can be very persuasive in settlement discussions.

Motion Practice 

In FINRA arbitrations, there are very limited motions to dismiss. Very limited, so much so as to be non-existent. And there are no motions for summary judgment. While that might be a perceived benefit, it has problems of its own, but the parties will get their case decided by a panel of arbitrators – a panel that they had a significant role in choosing.

My article, Introduction to Securities Arbitration, is a walk-through of the entire process and has been downloaded tens of thousands of times. I updated it as needed, and it is available here.

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What is Securities Arbitration?

Securities arbitration has become the most often-used method of resolving disputes in the securities industry. Since the late 1970’s,  FINRA and its predecessors have required brokerage firms and stock brokers into securities arbitration to resolve their disputes with each other, and with their customers. That requirement led to brokerage firms requiring, through their customer agreements, ...

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Expungement of Customer Complaints

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Introduction to Blue Sky Laws

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Cold Calling Rules

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Churned or Traded?

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Responding to a Wells Notice

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Securities Lawyer Mark J. Astarita’s Significant Matters

Obtained decision from FINRA’s National Adjudicatory Council which reversed a hearing Panel’s findings of violation, vacated all sanctions and dismissed the complaint. Successfully defended broker-dealer in arbitration with hedge fund claiming 5 million dollars in losses for misrepresentations regarding firm’s abilities, platform, and expertise. Zero award for the Claimant. Obtained six-figure award for broker against wirehouse for breach of contract, misrepresentations, fraudulent inducement, and unjust enrichment Successfully defended regional brokerage firm in customer claim for unsuitability, inadequate due diligence Negotiated favorable settlement for broker and firm of claims by an octogenarian for allegedly unsuitable variable life insurance policy, and obtained expungement of the arbitration with a finding that the transaction was suitable and that the claimant was fully informed of the risks of the investment. Successfully defended and obtained a denial of a claim by a CPA customer against a broker-dealer, where the customer claimed unsuitability, breach of fiduciary duty, fraudulent misrepresentation, failure to supervise, respondeat superior, negligent misrepresentation, unauthorized trading, negligence, fraud, and control person liability. Complete denial of all claims Obtained an award of attorney’s fees and compensation for a broker against a brokerage firm for filing a false and malicious U-5. Obtained a full dismissal of a wire houses’ claims against a broker for ...

Sallah Astarita & CoxRepresenting Advisors and Investors, Nationwide.

Mark J. Astarita, Esq. is a securities lawyer who represents investors, financial professionals and firms in litigation, arbitration and regulatory matters across the country. He is a partner in the national securities law firm of Sallah Astarita & Cox, LLC and can be reached by email at or by phone at 212-509-6544.

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Mark Astarita is a nationally recognized securities attorney, who represents investors, financial professionals and firms in securities litigation, arbitration and regulatory matters, including SEC and FINRA investigations and enforcement proceedings.

He is a partner in the national securities law firm Sallah Astarita & Cox, LLC, and the founder of The Securities Law Home Page -, which was one of the first legal topic sites on the Internet. It went online in 1995 and is updated daily with news, commentary and securities law related links.

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