Stay of Non-Arbitrable Claims is Discretionary Where Arbitrable Claims Exist Baggesen vs. American Skandia Life Assurance Corp. Baggesen v. American Skandia Life Assurance Corp. & Securities America, Inc., 2002 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 23411 (D. Mass, 12/5/02). FAA (§ 3) * Agreement to Arbitrate * Stay of Litigation * Scope of […]
SIA Opposes New Expungement Rule Proposal
Cites “Dangerous and unmistakable message that…arbitration panels cannot be trusted” SIA COMMENTS ON NTM 01-65: The Securities Industry Association responded, in a letter dated December 31, 2001, to NASDs request for comment on a proposal to revise its rules and policies on expungement. The letter, signed by SIA SVP and […]
NASD Gets OK to Form Dispute Resolution, Inc.
New Corporation, New Structure NASD Regulation’s Office of Dispute Resolution, which received permission from the SEC to be spun off into a separate subsidiary last fall, has completed the transition. The NASD announced July 17 that a new subsidiary company under the umbrella of the NASD has been established to […]
Qualified Immunity for NASD
Federal Court Finds Immunity for NASD Staff and State Investigators Tretiak v. Del Papa, No. 00-17248, 2001 U.S. App. LEXIS 24738 (9th Cir., 11/13/01). Enforcement Practice/Procedure – Privileges & Immunities (Absolute Immunity; Qualified Immunity) – Representation Issues – Timeliness Issues (Statutes of Limitations). Regulators have qualified immunity against claims based […]
Fight Back Revisited
A recurring problem in civil litigation is the filing of claims by plaintiffs which lack merit, or are which are filed for purposes other than to address a grievance or a wrong. The problem is particularly acute in the securities arbitration arena, where in addition to the cost, expense and […]
Registration of Cold Callers
Ed. This page discusses the original NASD proposal in 1997 for registration of cold callers. and is presented for historical purposes. FINRA’s telemarketing rule is Rule 3230. Today, basically all cold callers are required to be registerd with FINRA. FINRA’s Registration and Qualification Rules are in the Rule 1200 series. […]
FINRA – Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, known as FINRA, is a private corporation which is known as a “self regulatory organization.” meaning that is has the authority to regulate its membership. FINRA’s main functions are FINRA Enforcement and FINRA Dispute Resolution FINRA is the primary regulator for the securities industry, and […]