FINRA Arbitration Forms

Scheduling Order (PDF format 86 KB)
The panel Chairperson has the responsibility to use the Scheduling Order to record the agreements reached during the Initial Prehearing Conference. The Chairperson should submit the Scheduling Order to NASD Dispute Resolution within 48 hours of the conference by electronic mail or facsimile transmission.

Arbitrator’s Script (PDF format 137 KB)
The Arbitrator’s Script sets forth the procedures for the Initial Prehearing Conference. In the discretion of the panel, these procedures may be varied to allow all parties a full and fair opportunity to present their respective positions.

NASAD Form of Order on Request for Permanent Injunction (PDF)
The Order on Request for Permanent Injunction is completed by arbitrators to record the arbitrators’ decision on a party’s request for permanent injunction in intra-industry cases.

NASD Form of Order of Production (PDF)
For use in an NASD arbitration, this form is used to compel a party or a member firm, or an associated person to produce documents in an NASD arbitration.

NASD Form of Order of Appearance (PDF)
For use in NASD Arbitrations, this form is used to have an NASD member, or associated person appear and testify an an arbitration hearing.

NASD Form of Arbitration Subpoena (PDF)
For use in NASD Arbitrations, to unregistered third parties.

NASD’s Oath Of Arbitrator (PDF)
Review the Oath of Arbitrator that must be taken by all NASD-approved arbitrators. The oath must be executed by NASD arbitrators for each case on which they serve.

Arbitrator Update Form (PDF)
If you are already an arbitrator on the NASD roster, use this online form to update NASD Dispute Resolution of any new or revised information about your status.

Arbitrator Application (PDF)
Become an arbitrator at the NASD! They always need public arbitrators, and actually need industry arbitrators in parts of the country. This form starts the process

Respondent(s) Uniform Submission Agreement (PDF_
The NASD’s Uniform Submission Agreement for use by Respondents in NASD arbitrations

Claimant(s) Uniform Submission Agreement (PDF)
The NASD’s Uniform Submission Agreement for use by Claimants in NASD Arbitrations


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Mark Astarita is a nationally recognized securities attorney, who represents investors, financial professionals and firms in securities litigation, arbitration and regulatory matters, including SEC and FINRA investigations and enforcement proceedings.

He is a partner in the national securities law firm Sallah Astarita & Cox, LLC, and the founder of The Securities Law Home Page -, which was one of the first legal topic sites on the Internet. It went online in 1995 and is updated daily with news, commentary and securities law related links.