FINRA Brokercheck
Arbitration Investors Primer

What is FINRA

FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Association, is the successor to the National Association of Securities Dealers and is authorized by Congress to regulate and oversee the broker-dealer industry, insuring that it operates fairly and honestly. It oversees over 4,000 brokerage firms and more than 600,000 brokers across the country—and analyzes […]


FINRA Discovery Guide

Discovery has always been a problem in litigation matters. In broad strokes, plaintiffs want to see every document that might possibly have any bearing on any issue in the case, and defendants don’t want to produce a single document. The courts and arbitration panels spend a significant amount of time […]

FINRA Office

Recent FINRA Rule Filings

When FINRA decides to change or modify any of its rules, or to add a new rule, it is required to provide notice to its members and the general public regarding the modification or addition and to allow for comment. It does this by a Notice of Rule Filing, which […]


FINRA Arbitration Forms

Scheduling Order (PDF format 86 KB) The panel Chairperson has the responsibility to use the Scheduling Order to record the agreements reached during the Initial Prehearing Conference. The Chairperson should submit the Scheduling Order to NASD Dispute Resolution within 48 hours of the conference by electronic mail or facsimile transmission. […]