securities law

SEC Proposes to Improve Disclosures Relating to Acquisitions and Dispositions of Businesses

The SEC has voted to propose rule amendments to improve the information that investors receive regarding the acquisition and disposition of businesses.  The proposed amendments are also intended to facilitate more timely access to capital and to reduce complexity and compliance costs of these financial disclosures.

“The proposed rules are, first and foremost, intended to ensure that investors receive the financial information necessary to understand the potential effects of significant acquisitions or dispositions,” said Chairman Jay Clayton.  “The staff’s work on the proposed rule amendments reflects years of experience.  Their work to eliminate unnecessary costs and burdens of the current rules – which in some cases have been significant and frustrated otherwise attractive transactions – while at the same time improving the disclosures investors receive should be applauded.”

The proposal will have a 60-day public comment period following its publication in the Federal Register.

Full details are available at The Securities Law Blog.

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Mark Astarita is a nationally recognized securities attorney, who represents investors, financial professionals and firms in securities litigation, arbitration and regulatory matters, including SEC and FINRA investigations and enforcement proceedings.

He is a partner in the national securities law firm Sallah Astarita & Cox, LLC, and the founder of The Securities Law Home Page -, which was one of the first legal topic sites on the Internet. It went online in 1995 and is updated daily with news, commentary and securities law related links.

The Securities Lawyer