FINRA Office

FINRA Postpones All Arbitrations

FINRA has decided to administratively postpone all in-person arbitration and mediation proceedings scheduled through May 1, 2020. If you have an in-person hearing or mediation session that is postponed as a result of this decision, you will be contacted by FINRA staff to reschedule or discuss remote scheduling options.

Please note that this decision does not affect other case deadlines. All case deadlines will continue to apply and must be timely met unless the parties jointly agree otherwise.

If you have questions about securities arbitration, or need to speak to a securities arbitration attorney, call Mark Astarita at 212-509-6544

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Mark Astarita is a nationally recognized securities attorney, who represents investors, financial professionals and firms in securities litigation, arbitration and regulatory matters, including SEC and FINRA investigations and enforcement proceedings.

He is a partner in the national securities law firm Sallah Astarita & Cox, LLC, and the founder of The Securities Law Home Page -, which was one of the first legal topic sites on the Internet. It went online in 1995 and is updated daily with news, commentary and securities law related links.

The Securities Lawyer