Month: December 2021

Securities and Exchange Commission

Chair Gensler Announces Additions to Executive Staff

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced the appointments of Corey Frayer, Phil Havenstein, Jennifer Songer, and Jorge Tenreiro to Chair Gary Gensler’s executive staff. “Corey, Phil, Jenny, and Jorge have exceptional experience,” said Chair Gensler. “I’ve already begun to rely on their valuable counsel on policy, enforcement, and agency operations, […]


SEC Proposes New Share Repurchase Disclosure Rules

The Securities and Exchange Commission today proposed amendments to its rules regarding disclosure about an issuer’s repurchases of its equity securities, often referred to as buybacks. “Share buybacks have become a significant component of how public… Read the Full Press Release Have a securities law question? Call New York Securities […]

Securities and Exchange Commission
Enforcement Law

James E. Grimes Named Chief ALJ at SEC

We are certain that Judge Grimes will be an excellent Chief ALJ, but we found it interesting, given the fact that the SEC ALJs rule in favor of the SEC in almost all of their cases that the SEC thought that including the word “impartial” in the title “SEC impartial Office […]