Tag: Whistleblower Lawyer

Whistleblower tip
Enforcement Whistleblower

SEC Issues Awards Totaling $98 Million to Two Whistleblowers

The SEC’s Landmark Whistleblower Awards The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently made headlines by awarding over $98 million to two whistleblowers whose information and cooperation led to significant enforcement actions. These payouts demonstrate whistleblowers’ crucial role in upholding financial markets’ integrity. Whistleblower Information Sparks Major Investigations The SEC’s investigations […]


Understanding the SEC Whistleblower Program

A look into the workings of the SEC Whistleblower Program. Is it any surprise that Whistleblowers who are represented by securities attorneys might do better presenting tips than those who are represented by non-securities attorneys?   What is the SEC Whistleblower Program? The SEC Whistleblower Program is a vital component […]

Whistleblower tip
Enforcement Whistleblower

SEC Whistleblower Award: A $37 Million Milestone

  The SEC has granted over $37 million to a whistleblower. This individual provided previously unknown information to the SEC, significantly aiding a successful enforcement action. The whistleblower also collaborated with the Enforcement staff, identifying potential witnesses and documents, thus conserving valuable time and resources. Significance of the SEC’s Whistleblower […]

Whistleblower tip
Compliance Whistleblower

Monolith Resources Settles SEC Charges Violating Whistleblower Protection Rules

Sept. 8, 2023 — The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced settled charges against Monolith Resources LLC, a privately held energy and technology company headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska. The charges stem from Monolith’s use of employee separation agreements that violated the SEC’s whistleblower protection rules. Protection of Whistleblowers is […]

New accredited investor definition

Inside the SEC Whistleblower Office

An insightful look into the workings of the SEC Whistleblower Program.  The Wall Street Journal presents an article that includes excerpts from an interview with Nicole Creola Kelly, who is the SEC’s head of its whistleblower program.   She addresses the criticism in recent years in both circuit courts and […]