Third Time is not a charm Whale Securities Co., L.P. v. Godfrey, No. 565 (App. Div., 1Dept., 4/4/00): When SAC summarized the decision below, 10 SAC 9(16), we set out the facts in detail and posed the question: How would you decide? The question at hand, whether the Arbitrators engaged […]
Tag: Vacature
Awarding Individuals For Corporation’s Damage Results in Vacature of the Award
Spear Leeds & Kellogg v. Bullseye Securities, Inc., No. 5435, 2002 N.Y. App. LEXIS 1563 (N.Y. App. Div., 1Dept., 2/14/02). Award Challenge * Vacatur of Award * Exceeding Powers * Manifest Disregard * Irrationality * Remand to Arbitrators * Rationale of Award. Individual claimants, as a matter of law, […]