Tag: Securities Arbitration

securities arbitration
Arbitration Primer

What is Securities Arbitration?

Securities arbitration has become the most often-used method of resolving disputes in the securities industry. Since the late 1970’s,  FINRA and its predecessors have required brokerage firms and stock brokers into securities arbitration to resolve their disputes with each other, and with their customers. That requirement led to brokerage firms […]

Information Center Investors

Investor Legal Information Center

Sponsored by Mark J. Astarita, Esq. – representing brokers and investors in securities and employment disputes for over 30 years. Have a securities law question? Call his office today – 212-509-6544 or email him Introductory Materials Federal Securities Laws -introduction and overview of the cases and statutes that comprise the United […]

Arbitration Information Center

Securities Arbitration Information Center

Featured Articles Introduction to Securities Arbitration – The ultimate primer on securities arbitration, authored by Mark J. Astarita, Esq., a New York securities attorney who has represented parties to securities arbitrations in virtually every major city for 20 years. An excellent introduction to the process. Featured Books Securities Regulation in a Nutshell – This […]


Punitive Damages in Arbitration

The issue of whether arbitrators should be permitted to award punitive damages in arbitration has been a hot issue in securities arbitration since the dawn of securities arbitration. In some states most notably New York, where the vast majority of arbitrations are held — the law always prohibited punitive damages […]

Arbitration Brokers

Fight Back Revisited

A recurring problem in civil litigation is the filing of claims by plaintiffs which lack merit, or are which are filed for purposes other than to address a grievance or a wrong. The problem is particularly acute in the securities arbitration arena, where in addition to the cost, expense and […]


Securities Arbitration

Guide To Securities Arbitration When you finish reviewing the sites of “consultants” who want to help you sue your broker, visit the real securities law site – The Securities Law Home Page. Written, maintained, and supervised by a Wall Street securities attorney, you will get straight information on the law […]