Analysts take the heat for failing Internet Companies By Mark J. Astarita, Esq. With the burst of the “Internet Bubble” starting in April 2000, and running through the end of that year, investors lost an untold amount of money in the stock market. While one can debate the size of […]
Tag: Analysts
Analyst Conflicts – Problems? Solutions?
The SEC Releases an Investor Alert on Analyst Conflicts and Suggests that Investors do their Own Research. By Mark J. Astarita, Esq. June 30, 2001 The SEC has posted an Investor Alert on Analyst Recommendations and Conflicts Tilted “Analyzing Analyst Recommendations”. According to the Commission, the Alert is intended to warn investors of […]
Regulatory Analyst Settlement and Arbitration Impact, $1.4 billion
Expectations have been raised by the media, claimants’ counsel and other pundits that a flood of arbitration filings will follow the conclusion of the $1.4 billion regulatory settlement regarding analyst conflicts. RESEARCH SETTLEMENT & ARBITRATION IMPACT: Expectations have been raised by media, Claimants counsel and other pundits that a flood […]
NASD Online Arbitration Filings for Analyst Cases
Analyst Conflict Cases Set for Online Filings at NASD Arbitration Introduction on online system moved up to accomodate analyst cases. [Ed. This was originally posted in 2003 and is presented for historical reference] NASD has submitted a rule revision to the SEC which would amend its claim filing rules to […]
Analyst Disclosure Issue Would Snag Brokers
New NASD Proposal will require more disclosures by retail brokers. The war on analysts is now threatening brokers. In proposing heightened disclosures from analysts, the NASDR has included retail brokers as well. The July proposal, NASD Notice to Members 01-45, broadens disclosure obligations for public appearances by analysts and brokers […]
Analyst Disclosure Issues
Analyst Disclosure Issue Would Snag Brokers New NASD Proposal will require more disclosures by retail brokers. The war on analysts is now threatening brokers. In proposing heightened disclosures from analysts, the NASDR has included retail brokers as well. The July proposal, NASD Notice to Members 01-45, broadens disclosure obligations for […]
SEC Approves NASD, NYSE Analyst Rules – Who Benefits?
New regulations enacted to address analyst conflicts, and insure disclosure. Given the fact that such regulations already exist, who is benefiting from these new regulations? By Mark J. Astarita, Esq. On May 8, 2002, the SEC approved proposed rule changes by the NASD and the NYSE to address conflicts of […]